Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's

My mother taught me to get all my laundry done on New Year's Eve every get the year started off right I suppose. So, amidst other things today I have been working on the laundry because that's what I learned from my family. Lest you think I only learned neatness and clean laundry from my mom and dad, let me assure you that the faith I daily work to refine was planted in that house and in that church.

Tonight I am very aware that the lessons we teach our children are ones they take with them in to their lives as well. So as we finish 2009 I am grateful that our children have learned this year to take life one day at a time; it will serve them well. I am grateful they have learned how to be present with people in hospitals; it will also serve them well. I am grateful they know that you go to church, even when you feel pretty bad (a lesson being consistenly taught by their dad); it will certainly serve them well; and I am very grateful that they have learned that being family means facing and dealing with life together.

And so at the end of 2009, Chris and I can very definitely say we are blessed with incredible children, who we are glad make up our family. And we pray fervently for a very healthy and exciting 2010!! God bless your new year as well.

Grace for you journey,

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