Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breakfast and Saints

I sliced a banana to go on my Rice Krispies this morning, then I sprinkled on a little sugar and poured the milk. I learned this one from my grandmother. I haven't had Rice Krispies in years until the kids asked for Rice Krispies treats the other day so I got a big box at Safeway and I pushed past the sticks and twigs of my heart healthy cereal and decided to go for it this morning. Obviously Grandmother made an impact. I used a bowl from Chris' grandmother, a woman who also made an impact on my life. I have Aunt Dorothy's ring on my finger and a devotional Chris' Dad gave me years ago. I'm surrounded by the saints that have gone before me, including Chris.

The Church Triumphant has taken on a deeper meaning in the almost four months since March 4th. The fact that we are an Easter people is powerful and incredible and REAL. Amidst the sadness and pain of grief there is a celebration, the sting of death really is as powerless as Wesley proclaimed. It doesn't make the missing any less difficult but it really does help to define Whose we are. God really IS as engaged and active in life today as He was in the lives of Abraham and Moses and when we allow ourselves to experience that it's rather awe-inspiring. Scripture itself is an organic thing, still teaching, filled with the ability to nurture us today and we really WILL see one day as we are now seen. Being patient with that concept is hard, accepting that we just can't know everything now is even harder but no less our calling. God is at work in us and our world.

I sliced a banana for my Rice Krispies this morning just like Grandmother, I read a devotional from my father in law, I used the bowl from Grandmother Bowles, I saw Aunt Dorothy's smile in my heart when I looked at her ring and I truly cherish my own wedding ring from Chris. I am comforted by the saints who have gone before me, who now see fully. I am reminded once again that I belong to God and I continue to fall deeper in love with our Great Mystery.

I'm glad the kids begged for Rice Krispies treats...

Grace for your journey,

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