Monday, September 13, 2010

Alarms, Panic and God

I had a moment of panic this morning.  It probably wasn't helped by the fact that I need to be up at 5:30 a.m. each morning to make our mornings flow smoothly and the clock was saying 6:19 a.m. when I first opened my eyes.  How could I have forgotten to set the alarm clock??  Eric had a moment of panic too when his frantic mother burst in and told him we were late and to shower fast.  In retrospect it wasn't the most loving way to wake your son for a mom.

As soon as I had Eric on the bus and I reached for my coffee to get centered, panic spiraled.  I'm going back to school next week, how do I make it fit in and how am I going to pay my part of the tuition in the long run and how this and how that...  So I opened my Bible, mine falls open pretty naturally to Lamentations because I live in that book, I devour that book.  And there it was..."The Lord is my portion..."  How could I not have remembered that when I was panicking over time?  How could I so panic myself about the future that I worry about bills for tuition that haven't even arrived yet?  The Lord is MY portion.  The LORD is my portion.  The Lord is my PORTION.  The Lord IS my portion.  No matter where you put the emphasis that statement speaks giving truth. 

"The Lord is my portion, says my soul."-Lamentations 3:24

Life is going to bring mornings where alarms don't go off, it's going to bring car repairs unanticipated, jobs ended, all forms of grief, it's going to bring bad days and good days and all the in between days.  It's going to bring...LIFE and we all know it and we all live it.  But the Lord is our portion and we are held and we are LOVED.  If God has grace for us, what more can we ask?

If my alarm had gone off properly I wouldn't have spent the morning reaffirming this Great Truth that is mine.  The Lord really is my portion.

Grace for your journey,

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