Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"Regarding Prayer -- Circumstances may not change but you will be unrecognizably transformed." 

  Wish I could give credit to whoever said that in my presence.  I know roughly WHEN it was said and am sure of where but not a clue as to who.  It's in the margin of my bible, the one I used in college, in Intervarsity.  Intervarsity was the first place where I saw people writing in their bibles and not just a little bit but a lot and I have lots of little notes in the margins...nuggets that were thrown in my direction, reminders of a campus ministry that supported and sustained me in my undergraduate days. 

  Years have gone by and this statement written down in the margin of my bible a long time ago speaks total truth to me. Unrecognizably transformed...the result of prayer.  I've been engaged in a lot of conversation about prayer lately, have been reading a lot on the subject and that one statement says it all.  Circumstances may NOT change, but you will.  Prayer changes our hearts, it realigns them with His and it deepens the level of intimacy in our relationship with the Holy One. 

  My life is not what I had planned, nor what I wanted when I lifted up my prayers a year ago but I am unrecognizably changed, even to myself and the intimacy with Him is rich.  What more could I ask?

Grace for you journey,

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