Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A big day...

We did a lot today...it may not seem like a lot but it was to us.  Eric and I drove Emily in to Seattle U today and the three of us removed two bookcases from Chris' former office, the last things of his things left there.  It is no longer his office, I am no longer a faculty spouse, Emily and I are students there and Eric will be in time but there is no longer an office there that is his...that is ours.  My kids napped on that floor as Chris and I would eat lunch some days.  Eric played in that floor when I was in class a few years back, Emily retreated to it most of her freshman year between classes.  They knew where the snacks were, they knew it was a mess in there but it was his and it was special.  So that was the first thing we did today...we took what is ours and said goodbye to what is not.

The second thing we did was go to Kentridge, school starts for Eric tomorrow, he's a freshman.  We walked through his schedule, from one end of campus to another and we met the new band teacher.

Life moves forward and God continues to teach us how to be in relationship with Him and one another in this new life of ours.  And life is good, although different.  Tomorrow morning my son gets on the bus to go to high school.  It feels like yesterday that he slept in Chris' office floor during our lunches as just a baby but tomorrow my baby is in high school. 

And I have learned that the most valuable tool of motherhood is the power of prayer so that's what I do.  I stay in relationship, talking to, whining to, yelling at and praising the One who loves my babies and me more that I have ever even imagined loving.  I'm nervous a bit about this year, it's new and different but I'm also excited.  We are three people with the world at our feet, both individually and as a family.  The Great Mystery will continue to guide us through the story of our lives and we're ready.

Grace for your journey,

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