Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hanging in here...

Two tonsils down, two to go!! Emily is in summer school, studying Ethics, and next in line for surgery. Then on to a fall free of sore throats theoretically. She's going to double major, English is being joined by Philosophy. And in great surprise Eric announced he is leaning more toward SU than Gonzaga. Could it be mom back in grad school there this fall and his sister loving it there is swaying him?? The family that studies together???

Do we sound semi normal?? We're finding our feet and the blur of the first couple of months is a little better. Still we face Chris' birthday on the 28th, but we face it together. He would want my chocolate cake so we're going to have one. He would go to the car show, so we're going. He would want gifts to go to Women's Enterprises, so that's where they will go.

We're still here. Hanging in here together, holding tight to one another, each comforted by two people who GET it. Still missing, still teary, still remembering...but Chris LIVED and he lived intentionally and authentically so that's the best way to honor him. And to trust in and surrender to a Loving God who takes perfect care of him today. It's comforting to be able to talk to him at times and say, "Hey I'm still looking through that mirror dimly thing, so be patient with me." Hard as it is to feel his absence, I really AM rejoicing in his being truly Home.

And so we trudge on, going back to school...all three of us. Normal?? A new one. Thanks be to the Loving God who really CAN just get you through anything. Trust that...I'm POSITIVE.

Grace for your journey,

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