Thursday, October 28, 2010

All Saint's Day

Sunday is special, it's All Saint's Day, Reformation Day and Chris' name will be read as one of the saints that was born into the new life in Christ during this past year.  We are fortunate to have a church that streams its services live on Sunday mornings.  So, for those of you not in Seattle, both the bulletin and the link to the 10:00 a.m. PDT service are on the website

Chris LOVED the hymn "For All the Saints" and it will also be sung at UPC.  This particular Sunday tugs at the Moravian roots of this Presbyterian woman and I am reminded of mine and Chris' even more favorite hymn which I share here for your contemplation in prelude to our universal celebration of the Church Triumphant.

The graves of all His saints Christ blest, And softened every bed;
Where should the dying members rest, But with the dying Head?

Thence He arose, no more to die, And showed our feet the way
To follow Him, enthroned on high, At the great rising day.

Then let the last loud trumpet sound And bid our kindred rise.
Awake, ye nations underground; Ye saints, ascend the skies.

And from the liturgy of the Moravian Church for All Saints Day:

Let the great cloud of witnesses, the unnumerable company of those who have gone before and entered into rest, be to us an example of godly life.  May we, with patience, run the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith; and obtain an entrance into the everlasting kingdom, and with the glorious assembly of saints, worship and adore Thee, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen!

Thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for the Church Triumphant, the truly glorious cloud of witnesses surrounding us and for the Presence that is ours even in this life.  At almost eight months after the most stunningly hard moment of my life I say with complete assurance that we worship a loving and good and very present God.  He is indeed both Mystery and Lover of our souls and we are a blessed people.

Grace for your journey,

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