Monday, October 18, 2010


When I think of Chris in heaven I think of him understanding all of those economics models that he pondered all the time.  I also think of his trumpet.  Surely the heavenly music is beyond our comprehension and hearkens to the angels proclaiming the news of Jesus being born.  So, while Eric primarily plays his bass in jazz band and his baritone in concert band, we still love our trumpet music in this house and yesterday was really special.

Chris found Jonathan on Trumpet Herald, an online community of people as rabidly trumpet oriented as Chris always was.  Jonathan is the first trumpet for Sammamish Symphony Orchestra and Chris was ELATED when he was invited to try playing with them.  Long story short, Jonathan is an engaging, graciously kind guy who, a couple weeks ago, treated us to an evening of playing Chris' trumpets in our living room and filling our house with the sound of music at the level Chris played and it was blessing beyond measure.  Yesterday, Sammamish had a concert and they needed a C trumpet and Chris' is quite nice so Eric and I loaned it to the Symphony and they sent us tickets for the concert.  Actually they sent the season's worth of tickets but yesterday's concert was something special. 

Once again, on the stage of Eastlake Performing Arts Center, Chris' C trumpet brought a joyful sound to an amazing concert of Overtures.  Eric was in his new suit from the Harambee the other night and he was ever the gentleman, offering an arm to his mom and amazing me at how mature he really is.  Intermission found us in the midst of a conversation about how he wants to take in more classical music, that we should search the Seattle Symphony website to see what works for us and can we go some.  Surely, SURELY, Chris must have been rejoicing in heaven upon hearing his son yearn for more classical music.  I whispered a "way to go Dad, he is truly your son" towards the sky and am looking forward to taking in more concerts with my son.

Music is Eric's passion, he's a heavy metal loving guy, who also loves jazz tremendously, sports an i-pod with Guns-n-Roses, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Miller and now Haydn.  He loves Ella Fitzgerald and Metallica and is searching i-tunes for a Concerto from yesterday's concert.  Music is a healing art and a connecting one, joining us to the saints that have gone before.  And we LOVE music in this house and always have it on, from classical to metal and always always our beloved jazz.  I get teary at the thought of Chris in God's Immediate Presence, along with Handel and Haydn and so many others.  We share that music with him and we keep him in our hearts.

Grace for your journey,

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