Saturday, January 16, 2010

A step back

I lack the complete medical understanding of all of what is going on today but would like your prayers nonetheless. That said, our primary care provider is writing this for us:

Early this morning Chris started not doing as well as yesterday. A number of things have contributed to this step backwards. First, the epidural pain medication was stopped early yesterday and it took until last night for it to wear off. All day, under the influence of the strong pain killer, Chris started walking all over the place and just about every criteria was met for going home today. He went from a liquid diet to full diet. He ate a large lunch. Last night he started vomiting. His pain level started up. We found out this morning that he had been losing blood and had gotten quite anemic. Chris is now getting a blood transfusion and has back most of the tubes he had a couple days ago. The bleeding, we believe, is from a small vessel that lost its clot either from overactivity or the vomiting. Given a little time this should seal itself up. That is what we're waiting for now. If it does not seal up, a surgical intervention may be necessary. Until we know for certain, it would be helpful if we didn't have visitors.

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