Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Surgery Update

Surgery went really well. The basic synopsis is this: they were after four tumors in the right lobe of his liver. Two were benign hepatic cysts, many of you reading this have some of your own, apparently we all do from time to time. One of them was not there, likely just obliterated by chemo and the last one was vaporized in surgery by Dr. Precht and his microwave oblating machine.

Colon surgery went well too. Dr. Kratz didn't mention any problems so we are now working on healing from surgery. THAT is quite the task. Chris is working on breathing deeply, hugging his pillow in the process and I'm trying to cheer him on and support him. Think a few of the things they have done today have been more painful that my proud Southern husband would admit, based on how hard he squeezed my hand. All in all, he's a great sport and working hard and we have two delightful young people due to arrive in a few hours and they will be laden with some dvd's and things to distract Dad from his pain.

My cell phone works great here so that's the best way to reach us, since the room phone rings really loud but I can keep it on vibrate. 425-221-1142

I'll write an update later today, going to order up some jello for him now. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

Grace for your journey,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leigh, Chris & family, Marie forwarded me your blog info so hope you dont mind. I can understand some of what you all are feeling-scared but trusting God & the surgeons. Praise God for what He has been doing so far with fighting off the tumors & sounds like surgery was a success. It is scary & sometimes you just feel the need to scream! I've been through it a lot in the last 2 years now. I am blessed just like you are & you take the pain one minute at a time. Hopefully, your nurses are right in there asking how you are feeling. I pray that Chris will be up & on his feet soon & that the pain gets better every day. My thoughts & prayers are with you all. Lynn Lemon
