Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thou and Thou Only First in Our Hearts...

Finding myself humming Be Thou My Vision as I type this. Heart of my own heart, whatever befall...

This morning, Chris was taken back to surgery to correct a serious bleed that was potentially life threatening. They found a large blood clot and removed it and he is doing well again. There was a new colon surgeon covering for ours, who is out of town. I noticed a cross on his neck as he spoke to me, telling me how worried he was about Chris and I told him I would pray for him, his wisdom and for his hands to be God's hands. The surgery went very quickly, very successfully and there is a much more healing energy surrounding Chris now.

God really DOES meet us where we are...whatever befall. Chris is resting comfortably again, healing and demonstrating tremendous strength. God is at work in him, in his doctors, in all of us if we allow it. Whatever befall...still be Thou our Vision... What work is God at in you???

Grace for your journey,


  1. Am so thankful that the new surgeon was able to quickly and successfully remove the blod clot. Please know we are praying for all of you!

    Jim and Deb West

  2. So glad to hear the good news.

    both waking and sleeping, thy presence thy light...
    Rest and know that he is there taking care of all. Love you
