Monday, July 26, 2010

Cars, Birthdays and Micro-Lending

Chris had a passion for old cars. Actually that's an understatement, Chris LOVED old cars and we always had to stop when he saw a "classic." He had a strong love of 55 Chevrolets, he appreciated old Corvettes thanks to our son and he was FILLED with car trivia. It is poignant and perfect that this years Lemay Car Show in Spanaway is on his birthday on August 28th. What better way to honor the life of my husband and their father than a pilgramage of sorts to a car show that boasts one of the few Tuckers in the country.

Yes, we are planning a birthday, where we want to eat afterwards, the cars we want to see, etc. Eric is going to take over as guide for the show, he's easily the most knowledgeable fourteen year old car guide I know. He was trained well by his Dad. We are planning a very special birthday and we would like to invite you to honor Chris' birthday as well in special way as well...with a gift to Women's Enterprises in his name.

After much conversation with my kids and prayerful contemplation of my own, I have decided that his birthday, our anniversary and on Easter to claim the promise of Eternal Life in Christ, I will contribute to this organization. I have been working on answering some questions for an article for an alumni newsletter at Seattle University. I shared with the SU folks a conversation Chris and I had in the fall and wondered to myself why I hadn't written about it here before now. It was during chemo, he was tired, we were enjoying a quiet morning together, sipping coffee and talking about what we wanted our lives to stand for and to mean. He said, "In addition to my life with you and the kids, I just want there to be a village somewhere that knows I lived, that knows I made a difference in their lives." That's why I chose Women's Enterprises for memorial gifts in his name. They will be the means to help me continue the good work that began in Chris. They are the instrument I will use to be his earthly hands and feet and I need your help to make that happen. Together, with your help, these women will help me insure there IS a village in Africa that not only knows Chris lived but knows that he cared deeply that their lives were made better, that their children were educated and that clean water was a RIGHT for them and all people.

So, when you see an old car going down the road this summer, you will think of Chris, as we do. And if you are in Seattle, perhaps you will take in the car show. On August 28, 2010, on what would have been Chris' 47th birthday, we will be there, likely with some tears, definitely with a camera and following after Eric who will undoubtedly impart some information about them that Chris taught him. And we will also honor him with birthday presents to Women's Enterprises. Please do the same.

Grace for your journey,

Women's Enterprises
c/o University Presbyterian Church
4540 15th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98105

*make a memo note that it is in memory of Chris Weber

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