Monday, July 5, 2010

Normal Life

Amidst the ever present absence and the intense grief moments, normalcy DOES come at times and I know Chris is very proud of us when we have the normal moments. We had a GREAT 4th. Eric blew up all manner of fireworks, Emily caught up with some friends and I enjoyed the company of my and Chris' very best friends.

And today finds us sleeping off a long evening of fun, sweeping the street and driveway of fireworks remains and heading out to Eric' bass lesson this afternoon. Chris, I know, is proud of us. I miss him tremendously still but I also rejoice with him. I think often of what it must be like to be completely in the Presence. Our pastor once again hit the nail on the head in his sermon yesterday. Check that out at and clicking on the sermon link.

God is God...and each day I realize more and more just how tightly held I am by this Mysterious Lover of our souls.

Grace for your journey,

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