Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An Answer

I want to answer a question in this venue because my inbox is so filled with emails asking it that this is easier. How do we do this? How do we do it every day? We don't. The Christ in us does. Simply put, God DOES meet us each where we are. I, not only have ZERO doubt in God, but I am perfectly assured of Him. As my brother in law and I discussed last night, it really IS that peace which passes understanding.

Is it easy? NO. Is it painful? YES. Are we tired? ABSOLUTELY. Are we living a nightmare? WITHOUT A DOUBT. Do we have a Loving Presence? MORE THAN YOU KNOW!! And in the midst of all of this, there is a longing for staying in relationship with the Wordless Mystery who still amazes me.

One of my best friends in all the world just reminded me of Romans 8:38-39!! NOTHING separates us from God. We stand as living proof.

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