Sunday, February 14, 2010


Our kids are SO COOL!!! As I type this Emily holds one hand, Eric holds the other and they are just loving their dad to pieces and this mom is pretty danged swelled up with tears. No matter what else either of us accomplishes in life or has already accomplished, we have done parenting really well because they are EXCEPTIONAL people.

It's hard to say to your kids, "The doctor thinks it's a long shot." But today I told my kids that. And then I reminded them of Lazarus and Jesus and that Dr. Precht is not giving up and neither are we. So here we are, all four of us, just like we have been from May 15th the day he was diagnosed...together.

God is God are we are not. Neither are our doctors or our nurses and in God we put our faith and to God we pray. God is at work here and we take each moment as it comes, aware that we are a family but more especially that we are children of a Loving God.

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