Sunday, February 21, 2010


What good friends. And how VERY blessed. My inbox was FLOODED with emails after yesterday's blog so let me set the record straight. We love our surgeons, our colon team is great, our liver team is amazing and our oncologist is the best. Couple that with a fabulous primary care physician and we are blessed. Yesterday's issue was solely and firmly on the shoulders of the ICU team and their doctor who did not think the physicians chosen BY US warranted being included in something significant. Toss in that they didn't call me and there is plenty of upset feelings by a LOT of people. But to set things straight, we highly recommend the physicians we have chosen and have been very well cared for by them all. This was an ICU only issue.

I chose to vent my frustration in my blog based on the advice of a lot of close friends and good counseling advice. The fact is that Father Ely is right, Jesus was angry when anger was justified and hiding from those feelings because they are uncomfortable is not healthy. Anger and hurt have been vented, apologies from ICU have been given, I was called last night for minor drug changes and it's time to move on to more wellness for Chris.

Will I vent in my blog again? Most likely. Would I like your prayers on this Sunday morning? Totally. And do I appreciate the overwhelming outpouring of support yesterday? More than you know.

Grace (and patience) for your journey,

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